Our platform


Proven and ready-to-use solutions

Telcos’ success hinges on their ability to leverage data and deploy advanced analytics, AI, and automation at scale to drive new sources of growth and change the broader economics of the business. Our platform helps MNOs reinvent their value-creation formula and fundamentally reimagine their business, by leveraging ready-made applications, unlocking monetization opportunities with existing use cases, as well as seamlessly plugging in any new and disruptive use cases.

Truly global and reliable

With 19 years of telecommunication expertise and 75 tier-1 operators and governments around the world trusting us, we have a proven track record of meeting the gold standards for mission-critical communications with a 99.999% uptime SLA.

Modular and scalable

Intersec brings scalability to a whole new level. Our platform captures millions of subscribers where our clients operate. By bypassing the limitations of core networks through the adjustability of our future-proof solutions, telcos can confidently foster innovation.

Fits with any network

By being equipment vendor agnostic, our platform brings flexibility and adaptability, which leads to fast and optimized implementation of various use cases for telecom providers, from regulatory compliance to disruptive innovations.

One platform, infinite possibilities

The Intersec platform delivers telco big data processing capacity to business applications. It is a great fit in any network configuration and integrates into any heterogeneous environment. Designed from the ground up to be high-performing and purpose-built for fast data, it allows for the most efficient implementation of existing and disruptive use cases, in real-time and at scale.

It is compliant with the most stringent data privacy regulations, with cutting-edge data governance and privacy by design at its core and a strong cascading workspace paradigm for data sovereignty. Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of off-the-shelf, field-proven public safety and telco data monetization business applications that ensure the quickest time to market, the highest ROI, and the most innovative applications from day one.

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Our big data platform collects and extracts terabytes of raw activity and mobility network events in milliseconds, which is where the big data crunching happens. In this infrastructure, big data processing resources are shared across all use cases. The hybrid location engine, capturing both active and passive location events in real-time at scale, adds tremendous contextual insights.

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Our intelligence layer is a unique technology that leverages on our big data platform to process, label, organize, and segment huge amounts of data into tangible information to ensure regulatory compliance and deliver highly contextualized datasets. The smart segmentation engine leverages demographic, geographic, behavioral, location-based, and interest-based users’ traits, allowing public and private organizations to unlock multiple types of use cases in privacy-compliant ways, such as triggering geotargeted safety alerts to impacted individuals, enriching use cases with the most relevant geodata, or delivering more personalized customer experiences.

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On top of the platform, Intersec offers a library of ready-to-use applicative solutions to activate use cases from Day 1 for telecommunication operators and public authorities in the fields of public safety, location intelligence, and telco data monetization. Our application builder allows application makers to take full ownership of their data while benefiting from all the resources and algorithms of our platform, with little to no code.

What our clients say

Intersec's strength lies in the modularity of the platform on which we can plug various modules, depending on use cases. Its fast data foundation collects an incredible number of insights.

Innovation Director


One of the strengths of Intersec location platform is the data collection and analysis in real-time, meaning the ability to collect data from different sources within a second.

Customer Service Manager

Maroc Telecom

We chose Intersec for its ability to handle both passive and active location, but also for its capability to crunch a very large amount of data in real-time with a very limited hardware footprint. We are looking for ways to spearhead new and innovative usages of our location data and Intersec is a key element of that.

Jason Tunstall

Director, Telefonica

Ready-made apps

Public safety

Alert and protct

Telco geolocation

Leverage geoinsights

Telco growth

Reimagine your business


Key capabilities

Designed by fast data experts, the Intersec platform is hundreds of times faster than open-source analytics software. Featuring AI/ML algorithms, it enables CSPs to pursue data-driven decisions.

At Intersec, Privacy by Design is one of our core values. It goes well beyond accepted standards, it assures regulatory compliance, no matter where our clients operate.

With the arrival of 5G, performance in terms of accuracy, availability, latency, and reliability encourage operators to go beyond connectivity and capitalize on new revenue streams.

AI and fast data DNA

Privacy by Design

5G-ready platform

Unequalled geolocation

Contextual analytics

Open API platform

Recognized by Gartner as a key location intelligence player, Intersec offers the most comprehensive set of location techniques on the market, transforming the way we approach geolocation in the world.

Intersec’s contextual analytics capabitilies provide a dynamic 360-degree view of the telco subscribers base, enabling streamlined marketing activities and personalized journey orchestration.

Our Application builder lets application designers take full ownership of their mobile data, by leveraging all the big data resources and algorithms provided by the Intersec platform.

AI and fast data DNA

Privacy by Design

5G-ready platform

Unequalled geolocation

Contextual analytics

Open API platform

Designed by fast data experts, the Intersec platform is hundreds of times faster than open-source analytics software. Featuring AI/ML algorithms, it enables CSPs to pursue data-driven decisions.

At Intersec, Privacy by Design is one of our core values. It goes well beyond accepted standards, it assures regulatory compliance, no matter where our clients operate.

With the arrival of 5G, performance in terms of accuracy, availability, latency, and reliability encourage operators to go beyond connectivity and capitalize on new revenue streams.

Recognized by Gartner as a key location intelligence player, Intersec offers the most comprehensive set of location techniques on the market, transforming the way we approach geolocation in the world.

Intersec’s contextual analytics capabitilies provide a dynamic 360-degree view of the telco subscribers base, enabling streamlined marketing activities and personalized journey orchestration.

Our Application builder lets application designers take full ownership of their mobile data, by leveraging all the big data resources and algorithms provided by the Intersec platform.