
Emergency mass notification system

It takes more than a text message to keep people safe. To maximize the reach and effectiveness of alerts to the population, Intersec offers a resolutely multi-channel and specialized software application for emergency mass notifications.

This solution addresses the specific needs of various public authorities, telecommunication operators, and mission-critical organizations involved in ensuring population safety at national, regional, or local scales, while respecting data privacy regulations.

Fully compliant

Our solutions use anonymized and aggregated data, fully complying with global standards and regulations for geolocation and data privacy, including 3GPP, ETSI, EMTEL, ATIS, OASIS, CAP, and GDPR.

Multichannel approach

We advocate a multichannel approach, combining cell broadcast and location-based SMS technology, and extending beyond telecom channels, to ensure nearly 100% population coverage. 


Telco expert since 2004

Our combination of high-speed message sending and location intelligence capabilities coupled with AI algorithms allows our customers to operate massive communications, and measure in real-time their effectiveness.

For all public safety stakeholders

Public authorities & agencies


The Intersec public warning solution enables the authorities to leverage emerging technologies to detect and respond to incidents and critical events as they arise. It delivers cutting-edge tools such as density heatmaps, automatic selection of the appropriate communication channels depending on circumstances, in-app notifications, sirens and retargeting of populations in case of emergency alerts. 

The Intersec Crisis Management Portal fully meets, and even exceeds, requirements enacted by the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Article 110 mandates EU countries to operate a public warning system that can send geo-targeted emergency alerts to all mobile phones located in the affected area during a natural or man-made disaster, via Cell Broadcast, Location-Based SMS, as well as all legacy and new digital diverse communication channels (outdoor sirens, TV/radio, DAB+, websites, social media, OOH display, GNSS…)

Local authorities & communities


Intersec enables all those involved in emergency alerts to exercise their duty to alert those under their responsibility more effectively, using additional communication channels, integrating specific mapping, taking account of citizens' preferences and habits, etc.

Emergency alerts deserve 100% attention. With Intersec, local organizations can leverage 100% of digital channels: SMS, emails, mobile app, website, phone calls, social media, and digital signage.

In a few clicks, entitled users can send an alert to all subscribers in their municipality or territory and mobilize stakeholders to manage and resolve the situation.

Private organizations


Disruptive events such as health hazards, extreme weather, or even supply chain disturbances can impact business continuity. The Intersec solution allows crisis management teams to keep control and monitor recovery progress in real-time, ensuring response plans get appropriately executed.

Dedicated users can monitor recovery progress in real time thanks to customized dashboards and alert messages, allowing for flexibility to adapt to any scenario and ensure plans get executed properly (the use of emergency text message system for instance). 

Mobile network operators (MNO)


MNOs' infrastructures and modern technologies make it possible to reach 100% of the population. Intersec offers a multichannel, end-to-end and modular approach of national public warning architecture combining Cell Broadcast, location-based SMS, advanced analytics, and AI features, maxiziming the potential of telco data. 

Intersec PWS helps mobile carriers to perfectly meet early warning, public warning and emergency alert requirements of the country.  As a comprehensive and scalable unified product, it facilitates mobile carrier deployment phases, and eases day-to-day activities to keep service always operational.

public authority
fr alert test
GeoSafe PWS

GeoSafe PWS

Alert communities exposed to risks

Our people-centered Public Warning Systems (PWS) help minimize the harm to people, assets, and livelihoods by triggering high-speed, highly contextualized, and geo-targeted alerts across all communication channels (cell broadcast, location-based SMS messages, mobile apps, satellites, social media, TV, radio, websites, sirens...). Our multichannel approach empowers crisis managers to adapt their messaging using live location data and advanced analytics. Our modular and scalable architecture is tailored for governments and mobile carriers.


Key capabilities

Cell Broadcast is an instrumental technology when dealing with Early Warning and Emergency Warning in critical or degraded situations, or when time is of the essence.

LB-SMS unlocks dynamic and adaptative public warning strategies, to cope with any situation and throughout the crisis management timeline.

Which technologies to use when facing a tsunami, flash floods or a dirty bomb for example?  Let's look at some concrete examples in this infographic.

Cell Broadcast

Location-Based SMS

AI-assisted channel selection

Message builder

Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)

Mobile applications

Our AI-enhanced Message Builder simplifies creating targeted alerts, guiding users step-by-step to craft messages tailored to each emergency, making the process faster and more effective.

Our CAP-compliant solutions are instrumental in facilitating the interfacing between participating systems, and thus in enabling the widest possible dissemination of alerts on all channels.

Our mobile apps empower citizens to stay informed and safe during emergencies, while also enabling crisis managers to enhance their communications teams' operations.

Cell Broadcast

Location-Based SMS

AI-assisted channel selection

Message builder

Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)

Mobile applications

Cell Broadcast is an instrumental technology when dealing with Early Warning and Emergency Warning in critical or degraded situations, or when time is of the essence.

LB-SMS unlocks dynamic and adaptative public warning strategies, to cope with any situation and throughout the crisis management timeline.

Which technologies to use when facing a tsunami, flash floods or a dirty bomb for example?  Let's look at some concrete examples in this infographic.

Our AI-enhanced Message Builder simplifies creating targeted alerts, guiding users step-by-step to craft messages tailored to each emergency, making the process faster and more effective.

Our CAP-compliant solutions are instrumental in facilitating the interfacing between participating systems, and thus in enabling the widest possible dissemination of alerts on all channels.

Our mobile apps empower citizens to stay informed and safe during emergencies, while also enabling crisis managers to enhance their communications teams' operations.