Telecom marketing, advertising and innovation

isolated worker protection

Reinvent your value-creation formula

Communication service providers have unique access to 100% of their subscriber base. This is why many businesses are building partnerships with them to leverage users’ data in privacy-compliant ways. This information provides the best statistical source anyone could dream of, especially in a post-cookie world, to better understand their own customers' behavior and make smarter decisions.

Beyond marketing opportunities, 5G significantly enhances network capabilities. It increases network throughput by a factor of 10, improves capacity and energy efficiency by 100 times, and cuts latency from hundreds of milliseconds to 1 millisecond. 5G standalone and its cloud-native core make telco solutions more appealing to enterprises than ever before. Combining 5G connectivity, IoT sensors, and geolocation leads to new revenue.

What's possible for telecom leaders


Subscribers' lifetime value

Leverage smart segmentation, contextual insights, AI-based predictions, and workflow automation to create impactful CVM marketing campaigns and offer stellar experiences to your customer base.


Geotargeted advertising

In a cookieless world, telcos provide a hyper-targeted marketing reach via high-engagement channels, allowing brands to reach customers in a personalized and contextualized way the instant they enter a defined area. 


Roaming opportunities

Target the right people at the right time, including silent roamers, and run highly-targeted campaigns, before departure to arrival, to increase top-line revenue from day 1: welcome-back SMS, roaming pass, surveys...


Network monetization

In addition to leveraging CAMARA-compliant device location APIs, our platform offers a comprehensive geolocation toolkit for Network-as-a-Service (NaaS). With our advanced APIs, operators gain access to a wider range of features and functionalities.

smart cities

Smarter cities

Our platform analyzes foot traffic patterns and transport routes, helping cities refine services and improve mobility. With a digital twin of their database, telcos gain rich insights and anonymized data to create impactful studies and reports for smart city initiatives.

telco tower mno 5G

Promising IoT use cases

5G SA significantly enhances network capacity and spatial accuracy, supporting the next wave of IoT connections. This presents a great opportunity for mobile network operators to open their networks and serve new verticals like industry 4.0 and connected vehicles.

The Telco Business Suite



One platform, infinite possibilities.

How to harness such information when it comes from different sources and still provide a good response time? With our exclusive Agora platform, we provide you with an efficient way to continuously monitor terabytes of activity and mobility data in real-time and at scale, obtain a 360° of your entire subscribers base, enrich them with various sources and technologies and extract high-value insights for infinite monetization use cases. By bypassing the limitations of core networks through the modularity of our ready-to-use applications, telecoms can confidently foster innovation.



AI-powered CVM campaigns

Iris empowers operators to revolutionize their customer value management (CVM) and marketing strategies by harnessing the power of real-time customer data. By leveraging AI-driven insights and predictions, operators can craft targeted marketing actions that resonate with their customers at the most opportune moments. This cutting-edge approach enables seamless workflow automation, allowing operators to efficiently manage their customer base, foster long-term loyalty, and drive revenue growth through impactful cross-sell and up-sell campaigns.



Secure and stellar ad experience

Our location-based advertising (LBA) solution empowers businesses to revolutionize their marketing strategies by targeting customers in a highly personalized and contextualized manner. The moment a customer enters a predefined area, our cutting-edge technology triggers tailored messages, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience. By leveraging the power of location, brands can significantly enhance user experience, drive foot traffic to stores, and ultimately boost revenue.



Elevate your roaming business

As subscribers increasingly embrace roaming, operators must evolve their traditional roaming services to meet the shifting market landscape. With regulations like "Roam Like At some" abolishing roaming revenues, innovation is crucial to stay competitive. GeoTravel solution empowers telecom marketers to drive new revenue streams by leveraging big data insights, helping them not only recover lost revenues but also thrive in this transformed market.

Making telcos marketplace-ready

The telco metadata advantage


In contrast to over-the-top (OTT) vendors, CSPs have become trusted providers of consumer data by ensuring data privacy and enabling third-party services safely. Thanks to telcos’ vast amount of data and high-engagement channels, they can roll out cookie-free and privacy-friendly data-driven solutions for advertising, credit risk and intelligence. By playing by the rules, CSPs minimize the risk of data breaches and compliance violations, while safeguarding their reputation, unlocking new business opportunities, and building a competitive edge. → Watch the video series

For example, True Digital uses micro-segmentation to label its subscribers with more than 400 tags that are demographic, geographic, behavioral, and interest-based, and then uses real-time triggers to decide the best moment to interact with customers and deliver new offers. They then anonymizes this data and offers it to other companies that want to advertise on high-engagement channels such as SMS, video streaming and e-wallet apps. The company also leverages geolocation to conduct footfall and mobility analyses to help businesses make better decisions about where to open new shops or branches. → Watch the success story

Promising IoT use cases


In connected factories, geolocation enables the tracking and management of assets like vehicles, containers, and equipment, providing real-time location data, geofencing, and analytics to optimize asset utilization and logistics.

Insurance telematics leverages geolocation to offer usage-based insurance premiums based on driving habits, ensuring accurate data through SIM cards or mobile phones.

Connected drones utilize 5G's centimeter-level positioning accuracy to confirm drone locations within authorized air corridors, with Vodafone developing drone services, including a drone coverage API and location services, to help operators plan flight paths and comply with regulations.

Mobile Private Networks


One significant opportunity for CSPs lies in private 5G networks, which greatly improves accuracy, response time, positioning, and control of IoT devices compared to GPS and Wi-Fi. These improvements are critical for applications that require real-time processing and rapid response –autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and augmented reality (AR), for example. For many years, GPS has been used to deliver geolocation capabilities in industrial applications, pinpointing a device’s position with an accuracy of 10 to 20 meters. But GPS is limited because it only works outdoors and suffers from high latency. 5G geolocation cuts latency to a millisecond and can track a device with an accuracy of 1 meter or less. Indeed, if a factory or port has a high density of 5G cell sites, accuracy of 30 centimeters is possible.

5G private networks can also support a higher number of connected devices within a given area, and the networks are more secure than Wi-Fi networks, which require passwords.

Another advantage of private 5G over Wi-Fi is that its availability indoors and outdoors ensures continuity of coverage. These features give enterprises more control over who has access to the network.

Tapping the enterprise market is key


By implementing 5G network slicing, CSPs can support multiple virtual networks with very different characteristics using the same physical infrastructure. So, if an enterprise requires multiple slices for different applications (for example, machine-to-machine communications for tracking IoT devices and ultra-reliable, low-latency communications for a mission-critical application like robotics), CSPs can tailor solutions to meet performance, security, and reliability requirements.

5G SA can have an even greater impact when operators leverage advanced technologies like beamforming, multi-cell round-trip time (RTT), and millimeter waves to locate devices more accurately. The technology also empowers mobile operators to open their network infrastructure to developers through APIs using the Network Exposure Function (NEF). This enables new network-as-a-service and network-as-a-platform offers, which can lead to revenue growth. 


Key capabilities

By uniquely orchestrating passive with active geolocation technologies, Intersec offers the most comprehensive catalog of location technologies on the market, from 2G to 5G.

As an active participant in the CAMARA project, we are dedicated to developing and promoting the adoption of user-friendly location APIs: location check, alert notifications, location raw, SIM swap...

Derive AI-augmented insights on subscribers, and identify behavioral patterns. With the target optimization feature, refine the appetence score, optimize adoption, and avoid revenue cannibalization.

30+ geolocation techniques

Device location APIs

AI-accelerated target segmentation

Automatic multi-language messaging

Zone audience estimation

Real-time interactions with roamers

At the message creation stage, platform users can pre-define several language versions, for each message. Each targeted subscriber receives the message in his/her preferred language.​

While setting up your campaign, get a live count of people inside the zone of a campaign who match your target.

Reach out to your customers at the airport right before they switch off their mobile phones and customize customer engagement before and while roaming.

30+ geolocation techniques

Device location APIs

AI-accelerated target segmentation

Automatic multi-language messaging

Zone audience estimation

Real-time interactions with roamers

By uniquely orchestrating passive with active geolocation technologies, Intersec offers the most comprehensive catalog of location technologies on the market, from 2G to 5G.

As an active participant in the CAMARA project, we are dedicated to developing and promoting the adoption of user-friendly location APIs: location check, alert notifications, location raw, SIM swap...

Derive AI-augmented insights on subscribers, and identify behavioral patterns. With the target optimization feature, refine the appetence score, optimize adoption, and avoid revenue cannibalization.

At the message creation stage, platform users can pre-define several language versions, for each message. Each targeted subscriber receives the message in his/her preferred language.​

While setting up your campaign, get a live count of people inside the zone of a campaign who match your target.

Reach out to your customers at the airport right before they switch off their mobile phones and customize customer engagement before and while roaming.

For years, Intersec's marketing solution and the strategic & tactical support we have received have enabled us to make great achievements, to focus more on strategy and to demonstrate a direct and growing contribution to Orange Guinea's revenues.

Nene Hadiatou Bah

CVM & Loyalty Manager, Orange Guinea

Intersec's strength lies in the modularity of the platform on which we can plug various modules, depending on use cases. Its fast data foundation collects an incredible number of insights.

Arnauld Blondet

Innovation VP, Orange