
Real-time situational awareness

The impact of disasters heavily depends on the location, the proximity of people and infrastructure, and the capacity to monitor risks, locate at-risk communities, and respond effectively. Intersec’s approach begins by integrating diverse datasets from open and closed sources, density maps, and telecom data.

Our situational awareness instruments serve both authorities and private organizations by providing crisis managers with a real-time digital twin of the in-situ field situation. This enables effective guidance for field operations and rapid decision-making, supporting the UN’s Early Warnings for All initiative and enhancing incident detection for private enterprises.

Data privacy first

Data confidentiality is a non-negotiable factor, whether addressing collaborators or citizens. That's why data privacy regulations, including GDPR, are integral to our approach as a European company. Privacy by design has been at the heart of our approach since day one.

Citizens' safety

Our disaster risk knowledge application aligns with the United Nations' Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative, aiming to protect everyone by 2027. It contributes to this goal through real-time monitoring, analysis, and detection of hazards. 

Workplace security

By continuously analyzing diverse data streams, our solutions identify potential threats and detect abnormal situations, whether they involve risks to employees, unusual IT network activity patterns or security vulnerabilities in networks.

A reliable 360° view of the situation

Real-time population heatmaps


Through advanced algorithms, Intersec instantly computes and displays real-time population heatmaps to significantly enhance dynamic situational awareness, and triggers automated actions in line with each scenario ensuring swift and effective responses.

As the situation evolves, get tactical crisis management insights by visualizing live population heatmaps of the targeted area. End-users benefit from a rich cartographic vision of the terrain and the situation. With its embedded GIS capabilities, the solution smoothly integrates with external geodata sources and providers via typical standards from OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) and IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).

Field information, such as the alert location and the number of people receiving the message, is indicated in real-time, and, as the crisis evolves, changes in population density are displayed as colored-coded mapped zones.

Live data layering


By relying on advanced location-based technologies, fast data capabilities, and AI algorithms, our platform consolidates key metrics enabling real-time insights into on-ground activities for local authorities, mission-critical sites, and critical infrastructures.

Intersec goes deeper into the data provided to you. On the map, one can add layers of constantly updated information flows to enrich the existing data of Points of Interest (POI): ambassies, police & fire stations.

This unified view and flexibility helps mitigate damage and downtime by restoring normal operations as quickly as possible.

Alert monitoring functions


Monitor threats around your stakeholders and facilities.

Make more adaptive and dynamic decisions throughout the management of critical events, and quickly protect or restore operations and infrastructures, mitigate brand and financial impacts, and most of all, help ensure employee safety.

Authorized collaborators can create alerts, define alert zones and select the preferred communication channels in a few clicks. The map page offers direct access to a toolbar for creating zones and manipulating sectors. 

GeoSafe RK

GeoSafe RK

Get it all on a single screen

Our map-centric Risk Knowledge (RK) solution provides comprehensive situational awareness by monitoring global exposure to hazards and incidents. This intuitive platform consolidates diverse data sources into a single user-friendly interface. Leveraging a pre-built, extensive data catalog, it seamlessly displays any data relevant to the user, from CAP-enabled alerts to specialized maps or IoT sensors. Based on their needs and contexts, crisis managers can promptly trigger automated alerts as soon as an incident is detected.


Key capabilities

From real-time weather forecasts and environmental sensor readings to population density maps, Intersec creates a holistic view of potential hazards.
Our people-centered solution provides crisis managers with a multi-dimensional view of disaster risks in real-time, enabling swift and effective action.
The seamless integration with telecom infrastructure allows for the aggregation and analysis of network data in real time, enabling stakeholders to operate at a national scale with unparalleled precision.

Diverse datasets

User-Friendly Interface

Seamless integration

Diverse datasets

User-Friendly Interface

Seamless integration

From real-time weather forecasts and environmental sensor readings to population density maps, Intersec creates a holistic view of potential hazards.
Our people-centered solution provides crisis managers with a multi-dimensional view of disaster risks in real-time, enabling swift and effective action.
The seamless integration with telecom infrastructure allows for the aggregation and analysis of network data in real time, enabling stakeholders to operate at a national scale with unparalleled precision.