Referenced as a top 5 Fraud type by the Communications Fraud Control Association, Bypass Fraud represents nearly a B6$ yearly loss for telco operators. Having said so, getting the operational view is key to understand the operators’ vision. Intersec has performed bypass Fraud audits across various operators from different sizes and regions and the outcomes are the followings:
- Operators are usually not able to assess their actual Bypass Fraud loss
- No increase in mobile termination revenues, despite Fraud management solutions in place.
- Operators are facing important Fraud loss, reaching several $M a year, even for small operators
For a Tier one operator in South America, the results were the following:

Over a week duration, 6000 hours of fraudulent suspicious airtime are detected
Despite existing Fraud detection methods based on Test Call Generation/TCG, Fraud Management Systems using advanced data mining, operators have to enhance the efficiency of their Fraud mitigation process. They have to reinforce their detection capabilities if they want to stay ahead of the fraudsters’ imagination. Now’s the time to consider alternative technologies that will enable to not only mitigate the remaining expected $M loss, but also get the expected bypass revenue back.
Fast data and probing technology allows 80% of undetected Fraud to be blocked in minutes!

So who will be winning the battle now?
More info on fraud: Intersec Fraud management or contact us!
Intersec is a member of CFCA (Communications Fraud Control Association)