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Infographics - Telecom Consumer Insights

Infographics - Telecom Consumer Insights

Network data for marketing: the cookie-free alternative For more than two decades, cookies have been essential in the performance marketing industry for tracking and targeting the appropriate customer segments. However, due to evolving data privacy regulations and strategies from major tech companies, cookies have started to be phased out. In response, many businesses have partnered with other companies and ecosystems to use user data in ways that comply with privacy standards, and one promising option is collaborating with telecommunications companies.

[E-book] From telcos to techcos

Our ebook explores how harnessing this data can drive significant company transformation. By utilizing metadata, telcos can unlock a multitude of opportunities for monetization.

[Technical sheet] Network API Exposure

Telecom companies are presented with a compelling opportunity to monetize their networks by strategically partnering with enterprises and developers through APIs.

[Webinar] A pragmatic approach to Big Data projects in Telecom

The big data opportunity for telecom vendors.


[Whitepaper] What are telcos betting on?

Relying solely on data and SMS monetization is insufficient; CSPs must reinvent themselves within the value chain, grappling with stringent regulations. Despite excitement for 5G, effective monetization strategies remain elusive. Intersec's global poll of 800 telecom professionals unveils diverse data monetization opportunities which you can discover in our whitepaper.


[Webinar] Geolocation in 5G: technological landscape and promising use cases

With a privacy-conscious approach and as 5G-ready devices and networks start to roll out, Telcos are uniquely positioned to facilitate digital ecosystems on a national scale, allowing them to unlock promising use cases and boost top-line revenue growth.


[Video series] The metadata advantage

Explore the pivotal role of of metadata in shaping data privacy, ensuring location accuracy, enhancing public safety, and optimizing device location. 
