
Digital customer journey

Leveraging real-time customer data to engage customers at the right moment and optimize the outcome of each subsequent customer interaction is key for the operators’ CVM and marketing strategies. With Intersec, operators can design marketing actions based on insights, AI-based predictions, and workflow automation to efficiently manage their customer base, improve stickiness and grow revenues via impactful cross-/up- sell campaigns. 

Operational efficiency

The machine learning capabilities embedded in the solution enable marketers to automate their CVM efforts with a best-of-breed scenario editor enriched with individual scoring of 100% of their subscribers, so they can save time and focus on their strategy.

Faster time to market

As customers expect engagements to be contextually relevant, Intersec allows marketers to conduct agile, flexible, and genuinely relevant marketing campaigns adapted to customers’ behavior and response, always in privacy-compliant ways.

Limitless possibilities

The Intersec platform combines the best of both worlds: a powerhouse rules engine with a proven track record in Location Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, to incentivize actions when the purchaser is only two steps away.

Subscribers' lifetime value

Context is key


Best practices revolve around the understanding of the customers’ context. Intersec’s contextual marketing solution calculates and provides customer context helping marketers take informed business decisions. Events are triggered when a statistically relevant contextual change occurs.

Improved customer experience and increased response rate


Event-driven marketing, especially when offers can be delivered at the right time based on the customer’s status and lifecycle stage, results in a better user experience, improved brand image and higher response rates.

Time and cost-effective data processing


Because business imperatives require real-time responses and actions, Intersec’s contextual marketing solution is designed to handle continuous streams of user data (millions of events) aggregated on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis.

indoor outdoor


Customer-centric marketing campaigns

Discover how Iris transforms customer engagement for Service Providers, unlocking unprecedented growth in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by driving higher ARPU and NPS. With Iris, telecom marketers can connect with customers at just the right moment, delivering seamless, personalized messaging that feels like a natural conversation. This intelligent solution leverages customer context and behavior to offer highly relevant, individualized recommendations. Beyond mere promotional campaigns, Iris enables continuous, one-to-one interactions that span the entire customer journey—from onboarding to proactive care—ensuring every touchpoint is meaningful and impactful.


Key capabilities

  1. Data collection for Customer Context
  2. Triggers on any source
  3. Visual Design of the Marketing Actions in the Scenario Editor
  4. Multiple outcomes and channels
Personalized interactions can be instantly triggered by any type of technical event: a low balance, a recent service subscription, failed attempts at a service, a customer entering a specific area, etc.
Intersec combines the strengths of a robust rules engine, trusted by Tier-1 carriers, with cutting-edge embedded Artificial Intelligence features.

Four main building blocks

Increased responsiveness

Best of breed: Rule Engine & AI

Four main building blocks

Increased responsiveness

Best of breed: Rule Engine & AI

  1. Data collection for Customer Context
  2. Triggers on any source
  3. Visual Design of the Marketing Actions in the Scenario Editor
  4. Multiple outcomes and channels
Personalized interactions can be instantly triggered by any type of technical event: a low balance, a recent service subscription, failed attempts at a service, a customer entering a specific area, etc.
Intersec combines the strengths of a robust rules engine, trusted by Tier-1 carriers, with cutting-edge embedded Artificial Intelligence features.