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Turning 60 in the tech industry

Turning 60 in the tech industry

"Intersec is not quite a company like the others because it has kept its start-up spirit and the taste for challenge" - Christèle When you were studying, did you think about working in the tech world? No, not particularly, but I knew that the scientific and technical sectors offered a lot of professional opportunities. That's what I noticed when I started working and what pushed me towards the tech world. How has the industry evolved since you started? In the software industry, which is the one I know best, there is always the same pioneering spirit, which I find very motivating. It's a sector that creates value and is always looking for new ideas and new talent. The IT sector is quite masculine, why, in your opinion ? And how can we change this? think it has to do with our society and our education. When I was studying languages, there were almost no men in the courses I was taking. Traditionally, boys studied technical or scientific subjects and girls studied literature, languages, etc. Things have changed but not enough, the change of mentality has to come from family, school, society as a whole. From my point of view, the digital transformation we are experiencing should contribute to attract more women in the tech world, because everyone today uses digital solutions in their daily lives, just to mention social networks.... We see more and more female influencers for example, it's a way for women to project themselves more in the tech world. At Intersec, the proportion of women is 20%, and the talent acquisition team is making a lot of effort to improve this, in addition to regularly raising awareness among employees on these topics. You recently celebrated your 60th birthday. Are you still as passionate about your job? I don't feel like I've had just one job. During my career, I've been in different companies and held different positions. After discovering the world of software publishers, I chose this type of company because I knew that I would develop there. I was able to participate in very enriching and impactful professional adventures in innovative companies. This is still the case today, so yes, the motivation is still there. At 60, for me, the adventure continues. Companies should have more confidence in seniors who are often "eternal teenagers" and really want to continue the adventure. A final word? I am happy to be part of a human adventure by contributing to impactful projects. Intersec is not quite a company like the others because it has kept its start-up spirit and the taste for challenge. It is a company that encourages autonomy, knowledge sharing and that gives pride of place to small and large "moments of conviviality". It is also an "inclusive" company, to use a fashionable term, but which is lived at Intersec.

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